Parents-of-three Naz Nikora and Christine Philippa are renovating their family home in rural Northland. The couple have a huge following – well over one million across Instagram, TikTok and YouTube – and have been creating full-time since 2020. “We absolutely love the freedom that our social media brings to our whānau. We all get to be hip to hip and doing what we love daily,” says Christine.
The story behind their home transformation is a special one. After living in Australia for two years, the couple returned to Aotearoa New Zealand to be closer to family and are living with their three gorgeous kids in Naz’s family home that was bought and transported to family land in 2007.
“Naz has had a lot of memories originally renovating the home with his whānau (family) as it was in an unliveable state,” Christine explains. “It’s been a place of safety for many people over the years, including myself as a young teen early in our relationship. We wanted to give the house the awhi (embrace) it both needed and deserved and we’re getting it ready for the next generation.”
The couple’s vision is to create a space that is both practical and beautiful for their family. “It’s a small home with a lot of rooms, so we want to open up the space with bright walls, as well as transform basic rooms into practical spaces, such as our walk-in pantry and a media room that doubles as a guest space.”
The dream is that it will be a place for the whānau to all come together for holidays, family events or if they need a sense of safety. “So there is plenty of space for all, plenty of kai (food) inside the whare (house) with plans to create a garden and area to feed whānau too. We’re trying to achieve a style that reflects the rural landscape and lifestyle.”