For photographer Damien Nikora (Ngāti Kahungunu) and model Chanelle Taylor (Tainui), discovering the negative impact the fashion industry has on the planet compelled them to start a revolution. So they moved to the countryside with their dog Georgie and are immersing themselves in the process of learning more about sustainable living through their fashion shoots, gardening, growing kai (food) and converting their woolshed into a sustainable space for others to come and learn – and documenting their progress along the way on their social media account The Current Place.
“We made an exciting change to turn our careers and lives sustainable, with the aim to use our talents and influence through fashion, food and lifestyle,” says Chanelle.
Despite being complete beginners, it was through helping Chanelle’s parents renovate their rural home that they realised how much satisfaction they got from the DIY process. When Chanelle’s parents offered them the woolshed located at the back of their 10ha property, they leapt at the chance to make it their own. So zone by zone, the creative couple have been breathing new life into the different areas.
“The woolshed is a big project – around 400sqm – that we went into with very little knowledge on how to execute, but a whole heap of excitement and passion,” says Chanelle. “Our vision is to create a super unique, multi-use space – not only just enjoying the space, but also using it as a studio for Damien’s photography and for myself to one day do my dream cooking show in! And to do all of this using as many recycled or ethical products as we can.”