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Seeing red: Creating a cosy lounge in the woolshed

The transformation continues for creative couple Damien Nikora (Ngāti Kahungunu) and Chanelle Taylor (Tainui), who are renovating their 400sqm woolshed with the help of MasterStroke by Resene.

“It’s a very, very big project and we’re getting through it by cutting off small chunks and dealing with each part as we go along,” shares Damien. 

After transforming their bathroom and kitchen, they reimagined their loft bedroom into an inviting, cocoon-like space using the power of Resene Carpe Noctem. The next project on their list was the lounge, which involved some structural work, as well as a colour makeover. 

“Because our area is massive, the idea is to create a nice cosy little nook,” explains Damien. 

The vision

Photographer Damien and model Chanelle’s story began after discovering the negative impact the fashion industry has on the planet, which compelled them to start a revolution. So they moved to the countryside and are immersing themselves in the process of learning more about sustainable living through their fashion shoots, gardening, growing kai (food) and converting their woolshed into a sustainable space for others to come and learn – and documenting their progress along the way on their social media account The Current Place.

“Our vision is to create a super unique, multi-use space,” says Chanelle.  “Not only just enjoying the space, but also using it as a studio for Damien’s photography and for myself to one day do my dream cooking show in! And to do all of this using as many recycled or ethical products as we can.” 

As complete beginners and with no prior experience, Chanelle says that the process has not been smooth sailing, by any stretch. “At first it was super slow going! All we had was a hammer and nails. But as we have upgraded our skills, tools and industry friends like Resene, it has helped boost our confidence and make progress move quicker.”

Labour of love

The first step for the couple in this next section of the woolshed was to build a raised structure of their new lounge area. 

Once they had crafted the platform that made up the floor, they insulated it to ensure it would be an even, comfortable temperature all year round. The flooring is made from OSB board – Oriented Strand Board – which is a strong and durable, cost-effective material that is regarded for its environmentally-friendly sustainability.

The couple built the structure by raising the floor and building framing to accommodate their feature archway.
The hand-applied concrete render is beautiful as well as practical, thanks to its insulating properties.

The timber framing for the walls then went up, which needed to also accommodate the enormous archway that serves as the entrance to the lounge. In true Current Place fashion, Damien admits, “Initially I searched how to get the mathematics for it, but in the end, I just did a massive circle with my hand!” Decisions along the way like these have boosted the couple’s confidence and allowed them to create the bold, bespoke features they now love. 

Taking the lounge to another level is the concrete rendering, which the couple meticulously applied by hand. This offers visual interest with its rustic texture, as well as masterfully hides any imperfections. It also cleverly provides insulation to keep cool in summer and warm in winter – plus, as it is engineered to withstand the test of time, it’s sustainable and won’t require frequent repairs or replacements. 

Colour me happy

As always, Damien and Chanelle headed into their local Resene ColorShop to discuss their paint options with an expert. Resene Paint Expert Stacey recommended Resene Concrete Clear to finish off the render and make it easy to wipe clean. After looking through the colour options for Resene Concrete Clear, Resene Blondewash leapt out as a colour the couple thought would work well on their walls. 

Once they got back home and applied it to the concrete render however, they discovered Resene Blondewash wasn’t quite right for the look they’d envisioned for the lounge. 

“There’s not enough drama to it for us,” explains Chanelle. So it was back to the Resene ColorShop where they discussed some bolder options with Stacey, who was more than happy to oblige. They decided that a deep, rich red was what they were after, so Stacey suggested Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen in Resene Persian Red.

Their original choice of Resene Concrete Clear in Resene Blondewash wasn’t quite bold enough for the atmosphere they had in mind.
As soon as they started applying Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen in Resene Persian Red, they knew they were onto a winner.

Red alert 

As soon as they rolled it on, Damien and Chanelle knew that Resene Persian Red was the best choice for the walls and it was another lesson in trusting your instincts and asking for help when something is not quite right. “It’s so far from the original colour we had chosen,” says Chanelle. “It’s perfect.” 

Once they finished painting, the couple had soft grey carpet laid on the floor and added furniture for a cosy, cohesive look. They also added their new coffee table, which matches the sheep slats at the back of the fireplace. 

“With the lounge all completed, we actually took an hour just staring at our awesome work,” says Damien. “From start to finish it took us three weeks and last night there was no sleep at all!”

Due to the sheer size of the woolshed, Damien and Chanelle wanted to create a cosy nook for their lounge area. Walls painted in Resene SpaceCote Low Sheen tinted to Resene Persian Red.

About MasterStroke by Resene
MasterStroke by Resene is here to help you master your paint and decorating DIY projects. Brush up on your skills with advice, tips and ideas from our trusted experts.

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